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Sr. No. Product & Pack Composition Indications Dosage View
1 Ceff-Forte Care
250 gm / 1 kg
Nutritional Supplement of Organic Minerals,
Coated Vitamins, Fortified with Sin-biotics,
Enzymes and Udder pH Regulators
Regulates the pH of Mastitic Udder,
Reduces the Inflammation of Mastitic
Udder, Rebuilds the Keratin Layer,
Reduces the Somatic Cell Count
50 gm daily for 5 days during
Mastitis Therapy or
25 gm daily for 6-8 days
every month for Prevention
of Mastitis.
2 Ceff-Forte
Support 200 gm / 400 gm
Nutritional Supplement of Herbal Extracts
fortified with Essential Derivatives of Minerals
and Vitamins for Supportive Therapy in Mastitis
Supportive Therapy in Treatment of Acute
and Chronic Mastitis, Softens the Hardened
and Fibrosed Udder Tissues, Reduces Shortening
of Teats, Controls Teat Fibrosis and Oedema
of Mastitic Udder
10 gm twice daily for
10 – 20 days
3 Fat On Powder
1 kg
Nutritional Supplement of Herbal Extracts
Fortified with Essential
Blend of Minerals & Vitamins
Low Fat Content in Milk of Cattle & Buffalo
Reduced Ruminal Performance
Cows or Buffalos :
50 – 100 gm daily depending
upon Milk Production
4 Intracare Oral
100 gm x 10’s
Nutritional Supplement of Exceptionally
Important Anionic Salts Fortified with
Magnesium for maintaining negative
DCAD Balance
Smooth Parturition, Prevention of Hypocalcaemia,
Easy Expulsion of Placenta, Better Udder
Development, Proper Feed Intake Post Calving
Pregnant Cows & Buffalo:
50-100 gm daily for 20 days
in last month of pregnancy
before Calving
5 Jerkare
500 ml / 1 Ltr
Ecobolic Cum Uterine Tonic Containing
Herbal Extracts Fortified with Jivanti
& Shatavari
For Easy & Timely Expulsion of Placenta,
Timely Involution of Uterus
Optimal Milk Production After Parturition
Post calving administer orally
200 ml twice daily on first day,
followed by 100 ml three times
daily for 2 days
6 Lutimore Gold
1 Lt/3 Lt/5 Lt/10 Lt/20 Lt/40 Lt
Homogenous Suspension of Calcium,
Phosphorus, Vitamins A, D3, E, & B12 fortified
with Biotin, Chromium, Galactogogues &
Gluconeogenic Precursors
Optimum Milk Production, Easy Let down of
Milk, Better Udder Development & Immunity,
Control of Somatic Cell Count, Better Muscular
Cows & Buffaloes:
100 ml, daily
Calves & Fowls:
20 – 50 ml daily
7 Lutimore Paste
450 gm
Each 450 gm provides:
Calcium Chloride 100 gm, Phosphorus 10 gm,
Vit. D3 96000 IU, Vit B12 1200 mcg,
Carbohydrates 40000 mg, Magnesium 3000 mg,
Jivanti Extract 300 mg, Shatavri Extract 300 mg
Prevention of Milk Fever, Supportive as follow
up after calving to reduce chances of R.O.P
and Hypo calcemia in cattle and buffalo
To administer orally: 225 gm
6 Hours before calving and
6 hours after calving
8 Lutimore Strong
1 Lt/3 Lt/6 Lt/10 Lt/20 Lt
Homogenous Suspension of Double Strength
Ca, P, D3, B12, fortified with Jivanti, Shatavari,
Sylimarine, Chelated Zinc, Copper, Manganese
& Chromium
Increased Milk Production, Healthy Pregnancy,
Strong Udder Immunity, Better Udder
Development, Better Coat Score
Cows & Buffaloes:
50 – 100 ml. daily
9 Performax
Tonic 500 ml / 1 Ltr
Gluconeogenic Precursors fortified with
Vitamins A, D3, E, Biotin, Nicotinamide
and Enriched with Choline Chloride,
Bio Active Chromium & Amino Acids
Fulfills the High Energy Requirement immediately
after parturition, Helps in Prevention of Ketosis,
Enhances Gluconeogenesis, Enhances
Cattle: 50 – 100 ml daily
to be given orally
10 Performax
Powder 1 kg / 5 kg
Nutritional Supplement of Bypass Fat,
Bypass Protein, Probiotics, Organic Minerals,
Vitamins & Chelated Chromium
Improved Milk Production during Peak
Lactation, Improved SNF & Fat percentage,
Improved Reproductive Performance
Cows & Buffalo: 50-100 gm
daily or 1 kg / 100 kg of feed
11 Shuroo Inj.
30 ml
For Each 3 ml contains:
Thiamine HCl 100 mg, Pyridoxine HCl 100 mg,
Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg, Riboflavin Sodium
Phosphate 5 mg, Nicotinamide 300 mg,
D-Panthenol 50 mg, Choline Chloride 50 mg
Supportive with Antibiotic Therapy,
Rejuvenates Ruminal Activity & Performance,
Improves Immunity, Enhances Recovery
from Stress
Large Animals: 5-10 ml daily
by I/M Route;
Small Animal: 1-2 ml daily
by I/M Route
12 Shuroo Bolus
4 x 10’s
Each Bolus Contains: Live Yeast Culture 1.5 gm,
Amino Acids 2 gm, L-Sporogenes Culture 20 million
CFU, Liver Extract 5 mg, Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride
20 mg, Niacin 400 mg, Magnesium Trisilicate 400 mg,
Saccharomyces Boulardi 1 gm, Cobalt Chloride 200 mg,
Enzymes 100 mg & Sea Flora 1 gm
Improves Beneficial Rumen Micro Flora,
Optimum Feed Utilization Better Digestion,
Corrects Ruminal Acidosis and Anorexia
Large animals: 1-2 Bolus
daily (BID)
Small animals: 1/2-1 Bolus
daily (BID)
13 Shuroo Herbal
Tonic 500 ml / 6 Ltr
Herbal Liver Tonic Anorexia, Supportive with antibiotic therapy,
Indigestion, Liver Disorders and after
Liver Fluke treatment
Large Animals 100ml orally
for 3-5 days
Small Animals 20-25ml orally
for 3-5 days
Poultry: 10-20ml daily per
100 birds
14 Shuroo Liver
Tonic 500 ml
Liver Extract, 8 B-complex Vitamins,
Choline Chloride, Folic Acid, Silymarine,
Calcium Lactate, Ferrous Gluconate &
Ferrous Chloride
Supportive with Antibiotic Therapy, Anorexia,
Indigestion & Liver Disorders and Supportive
with Liver-fluke treatment
Large Animals: 50 ml twice
daily for 5 days,
Small Animal: 25 ml twice
daily for 5 days
15 Yeamin Boster
1 x 5’s
Each Bolus Provides: Copper 150 mg,
Cobalt 10 mg, Manganese 100 mg,
Iodine 10 mg, Zinc 300 mg, Chromium 12 mg,
Vit. A 60000 I.U., Vit. D3 60000 I.U.,
Vit. E 300 I.U., Yeast 1000 mg,
Fertility Improving Herbal Extracts 600 mg
For bringing animal to Normal Ovulatory Heat 1 Bolus daily for 5 days
16 Yeamin Bolus
Bolus of Chelated Minerals, Fertility
Vitamins, Probiotics fortified with
Bio-active Chromium & MOS
Improved Conception Rate
Timely Onset of Oestrous
Faster Involution of Uterus
1 Bolus daily for
20 days
17 Yeamin Strong
1.2 kg / 6 kg / 30 kg
Strong Formulation of Chelated Minerals,
Fertility Vitamins fortified with Yeast, Choline
Chloride, Phytase & the Power of
Enhances Reproductive Performance
Increases Milk Production
Avoids Anestrous & Repeat Breeding
Strengthens the Immune System
Cows & Buffalo:
40 – 50 gm Daily or
1 kg / 100 kg of feed
18 Yeamin Super
5 kg / 30 kg
Nutritional Supplement of Encapsulated
Vitamins, Glycine Chelated Minerals,
Enriched with Essential Amino Acids,
Enzymes Yeast & Herbs
Enchances Reproductive Performance
Increases Milk Production
Avoids Anestrous & Repeat Breeding
Strenghthens the Immune System
Cows & Buffalo:
40 gm Daily or
1 kg / 100 kg Feed
19 Yeamin Sure
200 ml
Nutritional Suppliment of Conception
Enhancing Herbal Extracts
Prepares Suitable Environment for Enhanced
Sperm Motility, Improves Uterine Tonicity &
Ensures Conception, Helps in Effective Fertilization
& Ensures Healthy Zygote Formation, Helps in
Removing Uterine Sub-clinical Infections thus
Ensuring Conception
As an Oral Drench within
three hours of A.I. or
Natural Service
20 Yeamin CM8 Premix
1 kg
Glycine Chelated Trace Minerals:
Copper, Cobalt, Zinc, Iron, Manganese,
Magnesium, Iodine & Chromium
Reduces Inter Calving Period,
Improves Body Coat Score,
Improves Health & Immunity,
Enhances Productivity
Add 500 gm – 1 kg per ton of
feed or 5 – 7 gm per animal
per day in feed